
Google Analytics: Adding BlogSpot/Blogger site

Google introduced Google Analytics not so long ago. This site allows you to see the statistics of your website including visitors, most viewed pages etc. The challenge here is how can you get your blogspot/blogger site to be analysed in Google Analytics.

First thing is you must access analytics by visiting http://www.google.com/analytics and complete the registration and create a new domain by entering your blogspot address. Once completed, you will be provided with a code block, copy it to a notepad or somewhere accessible.

Then, open your BlogSpot/Blogger dashboard and click on Layout. In layout, click on the "Edit HTML" tab. Scroll down until almost the end of the textbox you will see:

</div></div> <!-- end outer-wrapper -->

Paste your code block provided here.


the click "Save Template" and go back to the google analytic site and let the site process your site's data and voila! Have fun!